Samhain: Inferno - Intro and Rules

4 min read

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Aeirmid's avatar


We disavow any insinuation that magic(k), Samhain, and witches/witchcraft are connected to Hell in any way, shape, or form. We are taking significant artistic liberties with Dante's Inferno and with witchcraft in an attempt to create a world that we hope will be interesting and engaging. We are fully aware that Samhain is not the same as Halloween, that being pagan does not make one a Witch, and that being a Witch and being Wiccan are not synonymous. We encourage beginners and curious outsiders to learn more about these religions and traditions and to keep in mind that this game is just that: a game.


Welcome, lonely Pilgrim. You are very far from home.

Tonight is Samhain, the night in which the veil between the world of the living and the spirit world is at its thinnest. It is the perfect time to embark upon a Divine journey to meet and learn from the souls of the Damned. You will need your wisdom and insight and perhaps a bit of witchcraft along the way.

You, the humble Pilgrim, will be venturing to the very center of Hell, guided by the spirits who made the journey before you and never left. Stay on the path we have set for you, lest you lose your soul along the way.

The Rules

You will need to gather clues from each of the nine Circles of Hell and answer riddles correctly along your journey. Correct answers will help you move ahead. Incorrect answers will twist your path and lead you astray.

You will be directed to the houses (dA pages) of about 40 lost souls. Somewhere on their pages, you will find clues and riddles (1 riddle or clue per lost soul). Send them an answer (ONE ANSWER) via note, and they will reply to you with the name of the next lost soul and a password.

You will gather passwords along your journey. These will make up your special, personal ticket out of Hell, and you must turn them in IN THE ORDER IN WHICH YOU GATHERED THEM if you are ever to emerge from Hell. Do not lose track of the order. 

Work by yourself and take your time. We will unlock a new Circle every day to every other day. These Circles will be unlocked at the group, so make sure you are watching our blog.

You must send your passwords by note to Halloween-HQ no later than midnight Pacific time (dA time) on October 31st. (Find your time here.) Your passwords must be listed in the order in which you found them. Remember that deceitfulness is a sin, and we actually really WILL know. 

The Reward

We upped the ante. The prizes are:

:pumpkin: First place: 6,000 points

:pumpkin: Second place: 5,000 points

:pumpkin: Third place: 4,000 points

Are you ready? 

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

This competition will officially begin October 10th. This is your last chance to ask questions, but please check the first introductory blog here in case we have already answered your questions. Happy haunting!

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OanaZ's avatar
just wandering.. when they'll put the start journal :?